September 6th - Page 2

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    After we left the Upper Falls, we drove to the Lower Falls next. The kids were bummed that we didn't bring bathing suits, but we did let them wade into the water a bit. I think the kids have voted to spend an entire day here at the lower falls next time we come here.

Lower Tahquamenon Falls

The Tahquamenon River goes around an island, and this is where the lower falls are located. The upper falls are one large 50' drop, here they are several smaller drops. This is one of the falls.

Here is a small creek that runs to the river that we crossed over on the trail to the river's edge.

Here is the falls on the other side of the island. This is the side that we walked along.

A close-up of the edge of the falls, with several tree limbs laying in the river.

Another look at the lower falls.

And one more set of falls.

Several small falls all lined up along the rocky shore.

A look at the island and the falls on the sides.

We let the kids wade out into the water upstream from the falls. This is about as deep as Jayden dared to wander.

Tyler and Samantha went a little further out, however.

Drew walking along the shore with Tyler and Sam explore the river.

Jay and Drew in the Tahquamenon River.

Another picture of Drew and Jay. I'm not sure what he is doing with his arms crossed like this, but it seems to be his new picture stance this year.

Tyler, Jay, Sam, and Drew in the river.

Another picture of the kids.

Another picture of Drew, Jay, Sam, and Tyler in the river.

One more picture of Drew, Jay, Sam, and Tyler in the river.

Drew holding up his pants while trying to wade out to Tyler and Sam.

A closer look at Drew's "Daisy Duke's".

Drew, Sam, and Tyler in the Tahquamenon River.

Please click here for page three of the photos


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