July 15th - Page 2

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    We packed lunches to eat on the island today, and we found a suitable spot to eat at British Landing. There was a small food stand here, and lots of picnic tables. We found one nestled amongst the poison ivy that was suitable to eat at and settled in. Conveniently enough this stop was at the road that we needed to arrive at our next stop!

British Landing

The British Landing historical marker.

A look at the British Landing intersection.

A look at the Mackinac Bridge from British Landing.

Samantha standing with the Mackinac Bridge in the background at British Landing.

Drew getting his photo taken with the bridge in the background while at British Landing.

    While looking for the Crack-in-the-Island we stumbled upon the Cave of the Woods. We stopped momentarily to take some photos here as well.

Cave of the Woods

Tyler and Donovan laughing in the cave (with the flash on the camera, hence the shadows).

Another shot of Tyler and Donovan without the flash.

Drew, Jayden, Samantha, and Marissa standing in the cave.

A close-up of Drew, Jay, Sam, and Marissa.

Tyler sitting on top of the Cave of the Woods.

    Once we had found the Cave of the Woods we discovered that we were just a short walk away from the Crack-in-the-Island. This was the one destination we searched out with Tyler's friends when we rented bikes on his class trip.


Tyler, Jayden, Drew, Donovan, Samantha, and Marissa standing in the crack.

Another shot of the kids in the crack. This is similar to this shot of Tyler and his friends in the crack a couple of years ago.

Another look at the crack, this time from the end.

Another look at the crack, from the opposite end.

Some cool roots found near crack.

Tara standing in front of the Crack-in-the-Island.

    The Crack-in-the-Island is located right beside the Mackinac Island Airport.

Mackinac Island Airport

A look at a bunch of airplanes parked at the airport.

    Here are a couple of things that we spotted on the rest of our bike ride around the island. The flag was spotted at British Landing while coming back from the Crack-in-the-Island. The old hotel was found on what I would call the back side of the island... nothing else is located near it, and I think it would take a beating during the winter season. I would love to buy it and fix it up, but I am sure that would be an unbelievably costly endeavor.

Misc. Island Sightings

The Mackinac Island flag.

A cool old abandoned hotel on the nearly empty side of the island.

    We also passed by the Arch Rock while finishing our bike ride. Here are a few pictures that we took before ascending the steps to view Arch Rock from the top.

Bottom of Arch Rock

Tyler, Samantha, Drew, Marissa, and Donovan playing in the rocks alongside the road.

Tyler, Drew, and Sam looking for rocks to skip in the water.

A look up at Arch Rock from the road.

Another look up at Arch Rock from the road.

A special thanks to Dwayne & Erica for the use of their photo!

Please click here for page three of the photos


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