July 19th - Page 3

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    More pictures from around in and around the harbor area...

Harbor Area Sights

Another look at some of the sails on the lawn.

This boat was the one that came the farthest, as far as we could tell... Norman, Oklahoma!

Carrying a sail through off of the docks.

A look at several sailboats tied to the docks (and each other).

Three sailboats coming in to the harbor.

"Princess M," the winning boat.

A look across the harbor at the Arnold Transit Co. building.

The Mackinac Island Yacht Club headquarters.

    When our time arrived, we boarded a carriage for the Mackinac Island Carriage Tour Company's tour of the island. We got on in the downtown section, directly across from the Arnold Transit Co. dock. We made our way down Market Street, past the island's school and the Grand Hotel before stopping at Surrey Hill to transfer carriages. These pictures are from the first part of our tour...

Mackinac Island Carriage Tour

Tara can be seen looking back as we take off behind our two horses and their driver.

A look at the horses as we turn down Market Street.

The island's oldest lilac bush, over 200 years old.

A cool stack of turtles located at one of the Grand Hotel's restaurants on the island.

A view of the Little Stone Church as we rode past.

The Mackinac Island school building.

Looking across the golf course, the governor's mansion is visible high on the hill.

The Grand Hotel. The cost to visit the hotel for non-guests is $10.

Another look at the Grand Hotel, showing more of the side wing.

The blue painted porch roofs are designed to keep birds from nesting in them.

An old Studebaker sprinkler, located near the horse stables.

Tyler, Jayden, Grandma Terry, and Grandpa Gary on the carriage.

Please click here for page three of the photos


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